It's a well-made movie that sends a message, but wasn't a box office hit. What is deplorable is moviegoers' attitude, most of whom seek only for temporary pleasure.
The film title means a dragon's scale. Putting a hand on it claims your life.
A dragon is docile. You can bring them under control and ride on it. There is, however, a scale that grows backwards on its chin. If it is touched, the animal never fails to kill you. A king is a figure who wields power in a dynasty and thus has such a thing. The king's fury, consequently, is synonymous with the dragon's scale. --From Han Fei Tzu
The most impressive scene is when the protagonist forgives and embraces his archenemy who ridiculed his father and spearheaded his father's execution. It's an adequate example of "detaching yourself," which is a lesson Morrie (Tuesdays with Morrie) gives. Detachment doesn't mean you don't let the experience penetrate you. On the contrary, you let it penetrate you fully. That's how you are able to leave it.
I'm overwhelmed by his decision. It's poignant though, considering his endless agony night after night torn between vengeance and forgiveness. I'm not sure how much this scene relies on the historical fact, but it looks plausible because he was keenly aware of what was the best thing to do as a king, not as a son.
He didn't cling to the nightmare from the past and eventually transcended the limits of an ordinary human being.
Jeongjo is the 22nd king in Choseon Dynasty. He witnessed his father's tragic death. The executioners were the crown prince's political enemies who aided and even manipulated the then king--his grandfather. He was only 11 years old. He grew up in fear of being killed, and finally ascended to the throne at the age of 25 in 1776.
There were continual attempted assassinations since the first year of his coronation. He had survived everything but one: poisoning.
What a loss! I wish I could turn back time and save his life. He is one of the greatest kings in Korean history. His demise is lamentable because it was a watershed and the last chance to be able to reform the corrupt country. He could have established a modern democracy earlier. Then we did not have to be forcibly occupied by Japan one hundred years later.
History repeats itself. To my sadness it is repeating.
其次는 致曲이니
중용 23장
작은 일도 무시하지 않고 최선을 다해야 한다.
작은 일에도 최선을 다하면 정성스럽게 된다.
정성스럽게 되면 겉에 배어나오고
겉에 배어나오면 겉으로 드러나고
겉으로 드러나면 이내 밝아지고
밝아지면 남을 감동시키고
남을 감동시키면 이내 변하게 되고
변하면 생육된다.
그러니 오직 세상에서 지극히 정성을 다하는 사람만이 나와 세상을 변하게 할 수 있는 것이다.
The one who is devoted to even a little thing can change both oneself and the world.