

I ordered the DVD in advance before its release. I watched the movie at least 20 times. Some scenes have kept lingering in my mind since I saw the movie at the cinema. It was a few movies I was fascinated when I first watch at the cinema. The Matrix was one of them. I bought the soundtrack CD and listened to RATM's loud music a lot. Previously I was shocked at their album cover with a monk on fire. 
Thich Quang Duc burned himself to death in 1963  
protesting the persecution of Buddhists by Catholic South Vietnam government

What I really like in the book is when they're still irrevocably drawn into each other even after Edward reveals his identity. That's typical of youth. You don't tend to calculate consequences when you're young. You just directly rush to your target/destination. On the other hand, you wait so long that you lose the chance when you're old. We get wiser and maturer. I hope we get better with age like a fine wine. 
How old are you?
How long have you been seventeen? 
A while.

The lion fell in love with the lamb...
What a stupid lamb.
What a sick, masochistic lion. 

If you said, "It's a vampire movie. I don't like it," you're old regardless of your age. You're still young if you're mesmerized by the movie. It's another Romeo and Juliet romantic movie. Sadly, the sequels were poor, though. 
2009 was another transformational year. I moved down to Busan and I had a very hard time adapting to a new environment. Almost everything was annoying, even such a everyday trivial thing as getting in and out of a subway train. 
Reading this book helped console me and I was really into it. I stayed up late at night, actually early into the next morning 2 or 3 am, and got up at 6 to go for work. 

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