
Coffee Prince (커피프린스 1호점 2007)

Five summers have come and gone since my heart was all fuzzy with love and a sweet feeling of fullness. The main actor and actress's acting was brilliant and their relationship looked genuine. My summer that year went by with this drama that I got hooked on. This is one of THE best dramas I've ever seen.
Unlike other drama characters who look like coming from a picture card, the Hangyel+Eunchan couple have breakfast together with their shaggy hair in comfy clothes. Hangyel, who have struggled to deny his love to a boy, Eunchan, takes up his courage and confesses, "It doesn't matter whether you're a guy or alien. I'll go for it as far as it goes."
Since the director is female, she obviously knew how to depict the chemistry/relationships and subtle feelings between the characters. She knew what female viewers like to watch.

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